How Do I Choose Infrared Contact Lenses?

Choosing the right contact lens for you requires consideration of key factors like length of wear, maintenance level and eye sensitivity. These factors will help your Shopko Optical optometrist determine the best lens type for your needs. Additionally, your prescription assessment can play a critical role in your contact lens choice. Whether you are nearsighted or farsighted, need bifocals or multifocals, or suffer from astigmatism, your optometrist will make sure that your contact lenses are a perfect fit for your eyes and your lifestyle.

Infrared contacts are a brand new product that lets you see the world from a completely new perspective. These lenses are unique in that they filter out visible light and only allow red and infrared wavelengths through. This allows you to see objects and people better in dim lighting. These lenses are great for nighttime activities such as concerts and other low light scenarios.

Smart LED contact lenses are another type of contact lens gaining in popularity. These innovative lenses can detect and transmit signals using an ASIC. The smart LED contact lens is noninvasive, wireless, and uses minimal power. It is also able to detect and transmit an array of infrared wavelengths, making it ideal for a range of different applications.

These lenses are useful in many ways, including as security measures. Police officers can use them to detect criminals in the shadows, or hunters to see animals in the darkness. They can also be used as a tool to read invisible ink-marked cards in poker games.

In addition to all the benefits listed above, there are a few other reasons you should consider buying infrared contacts. If you are a photographer, for example, these lenses will help you achieve a more precise focus, by enhancing colors and details. They can also be useful in reducing background blur and eliminating red-eye effects in photos.

Infrared contacts can protect your cornea and skin from harmful UV rays. The best contact lenses for UV protection are made from polycarbonate, a material that is hypoallergenic and will not react with any chemicals found in your eyes. These lenses are also comfortable, lightweight and durable. These lenses will not fog or discolor in humid conditions. These features make them an excellent choice for those who want to keep their eye health and safety.